Our class's leader for Bunkasai (and my Prince of Tennis buddy)
Our class's black board was so pretty!!
Classmates preparing for opening to customers
Our delicious wraps!
Class mascot Wrap-kun!! (ラップくん)
We got costumers in!!
School hallway
Our class T-shirt with everybody's names on them
Class picture
We had some problems like not enough materials to make it until the end of the day or a lack of people for the different shifts but overall it went well and I'm so proud of my class and club!
There's a leader kind of person in each class who decides everybody's shifts and the amount of money we spend on each thing. I was first put in the cooking team but since I had to leave for my shift at MESDonald's I was transferred to the commercial team. Basically, I just walk around the school or stand in front of our class and tell people what we are selling and try to get the most customers into our restaurant as possible. I personally think this is the best shift for me because I surprisingly have a loud voice!
If you want to contact me for anything please comment here or
Email: liumanou@gmail.com
Tumblr: superasianminnie
Youtube: Manou Liu
looks fun :DD